
Sarcasm is the lowest form of twit

9 July 2012

Silver-tongued folk balladeer Frank Turner has raised the ire of Nicki Minaj’s fanbase by openly criticising her on Twitter for selfish and idiotic behaviour backstage at T In The Park. Apparently, after turning up late, she demonstrated a complete lack of respect for the stage crew and then _________ only to mime the entire thing anyway.
Frank Turner’s one of my favourite songwriters so he’d have my support anyway, but good on him for taking a stand. There’s no place for divas in music anymore, it’s not the 80s (you can read Frank’s personal blog about the incident by clicking here).
Anyway, if you’re looking for a source of endless amusement, carry out a Twitter search for @fthc and have a little sift through the backlash from Minaj’s army of seething, hormonal followers. Here are some highlights:
Harry O’Toole
@NICKIMINAJ fans are the best and there is so many she’s more known better singer than @fthc
Romandelux (btw, been trying to figure this name out. Posh Italian loo-roll, maybe?)
– @fthc BITCH stfu I kno my ARTIST Nicki wasnt disrespectful until yall showed yall asses now f*ck out my mentions TRICK
And my personal favourite…
[I’ve asterisked the worst profanities here because I know there are some tiny Lightyears out there and we’re all about promoting wholesome, drug-free fun in this band.]
Now then. To describe these Tweeters as semi-literate would, to be frank (no pun intended), be a little insulting to the semi-literate. At least they’re halfway there. But Romandelux wouldn’t know what a sentence was if it punched him in the face, and there’s so much irony in the accusation ‘U CANT RITE’ that I think I might actually pass out.
Oh, and Ms Minaj, if you happen to reading, please relinquish some of The Talent. It’s not fair to hoard it. So Solid Crew are practically starving over here.
But anyhow, all that nonsense aside… it’s amazing isn’t it, Twitter? It has this unique light-the-blue-touch-paper quality to it that is strangely irresistible. You can incite riot with just a few casual words slung from your smartphone, and this got me thinking – if I was going to incite Twitter riot, how would I do it? Here are some ideas.
1. @
2. @kelis Your milkshake brought me and several other boys to the yard and, when we got there, there was not only no milkshake but we were stuck in a yard. #falseadvertising
3. @
I’d never really send any of them, of course. I’m far too nice. #actuallyscared

'@50cent You're a knave and a popinjay and I bite my thumb at you.'Razor-tongued folk balladeer Frank Turner has raised the ire of Nicki Minaj‘s fanbase by openly criticising her on Twitter for selfish and idiotic behaviour backstage at T In The Park. Apparently, after turning up late, she demonstrated a complete lack of respect for the tech crew and then crashed onto stage in a huff only to mime the entire thing anyway.

Franky T is one of my favourite songwriters so he’d have my support anyway, but good on him for taking a stand (you can read Frank’s personal blog about the incident by clicking here). There’s no place for divas in music anymore, it’s not the 80s.

Anyway, if you’re looking for a source of endless amusement, carry out a Twitter search for @fthc and have a little sift through the backlash from Minaj’s army of seething, hormonal followers. Here are some highlights:

Harry O’Toole
@NICKIMINAJ fans are the best and there is so many shes more known better singer than @fthc

@fthc BITCH stfu I kno my ARTIST Nicki wasnt disrespectful until yall showed yall asses now f*ck out my mentions TRICK

And my personal favourite…


Now then. To describe these Tweeters as semi-literate would, to be frank (no pun intended), be a little insulting to the semi-literate. At least the semi-literate are halfway there. Romandelux, on the other hand (by the way, what is that – posh Italian loo-roll?), wouldn’t know what a sentence was if it punched him in the face, and there’s so much irony in the accusation ‘U CANT RITE’ that I think I might actually pass out.

Oh, and Ms Minaj, if you happen to be reading, please relinquish some of The Talent. It’s not fair to hoard all of it. The Wanted are practically starving over here.

But anyhow, all that nonsense aside… it’s amazing isn’t it, Twitter? It has this unique light-the-blue-touch-paper quality to it that’s strangely irresistible. You can cause chaos with just a few casual words slung from your smartphone, and this got me thinking – if I was going to incite Twitter riot, how would I do it? Here are some ideas.

1. @beyonce Actually Miss Knowles, I am ready for your jelly. Because I BLOODY LOVE jelly.
2. @kelis Your milkshake brought me and several other boys to the yard and, when we got there, there was not only no milkshake but we were stuck in a yard. #falseadvertising
3. @tinietempah Apparently you’ve got so many clothes that you keep them at your aunt’s house. Don’t get me wrong, I’m impressed, but I really don’t think you’ve thought this through. #underpantsemergency

I’d never really send any of them, of course. I’m far too nice. #actuallyscared