WANTED: Your Lightyears Photos & Videos
Do you have photos or videos of The Lightyears playing? In the spirit of interactivity we’ve set up pages on our Flickr and YouTube pages where you can share your pictures and videos of Lightyears gigs. We also welcome comments, gig reviews, compliments and abuse on any of our Past Gig pages, News pages, Blogs or anywhere you see a Comments box.
If you’re signed up to Flickr you can join the Lightyears FanPics group. Once you’ve done that you can upload pictures to the group which will then automatically appear on the front page of The Lightyears website on the bottom right hand side.
Click to visit The Lightyears FanPics Pool.
If you have YouTube videos of The Lightyears playing, send us a message either by e-mail, on YouTube, or leave a comment in the box below and we’ll add the video to our channel.